
  • Latest news,  Life

    Five things to Never say to a Single Man

    Last time we looked at some well meaning advice to single ladies that can come across as a rude comments. But what not to say to a single man. Here are some examples. Have you tried online dating? Yes, my new online girlfriend name is Virus and her home address is! There are so many great girls out there…. uuu I´m not really into girls…. (what a awkward moment) You´re so attractive. What seems to be the problem? How do I answer this without  looking like a jerk? You´re not trying hard enough. Really, I didn´t realized that women like stalkers! So, when are you going to get married?…

  • Latest news,  Life

    How to cope with stress

    Do you feel that everything is too much, are you overloaded and do you wonder whether you can cope with all the pressure placed up on you? It may seem that there´s nothing you can do about stress. But you can. Give your self a minute or two and take a deep breath. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts and emotions. Stress is a normal physical response to what makes you feel threatened. It is called fight, flight or freeze reactions and is your body´s way to protect you. Stress can keep you on your toes and help you to meet challenges. But when the stress…

  • Latest news,  Life

    Five things to Never say to a Single Lady

    Sometimes well meaning advice can come across as a rude comments to your singles friends. Here are some examples. You´re not trying hard enough. What! I´m not trying at all. I´m single by choice, not by fate. You´re too picky. Really! Have you ever seen me shoe shopping! Get back out there. Hell no! I´m enjoying my single life. I wish I hand more free time, like you. Seriously, dating is hard work! Just don´t turn into some crazy cat lady. Don´t worry, I´m a dog person…. #%&$##!!!

  • Latest news,  Life

    How to succeed?

    We all have dreams of success but how can we do it? No one is born successful. We all need to work for success. But how do we succeed? Have a vision. Your vision is your idealized picture of your future. Set goals towards your vision. Remember to have your goals achievable and S.M.A.R.T., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Do not fear failure. We all fail sometimes in life. Learn from your failure. They are just one step on your path to success. Believe in yourself. If you won’t nobody will. Give yourself credit for what you already have accomplished and use it to light your own fire. Commit…