Wisdom from Pablo Picasso
Always remember
Get “RichFluenced”
One of my favorite LinkedIn influencer to follow is Sir Richard Branson. This golden hair founder of Virgin Group is not just a successful businessman and investor but also a visionary who believes in turning ideas into reality. A true entrepreneur. His posts and quotes inspires others. His positive influence on people helps them to believe in themselves and their ideas. Some people simply just make the world a better place. Take a look at Richard Branson LinkedIn page and get “RichFluenced” Images
When life knocks you down….
Some phrases or part of them tend to get popular on the internet. When life knocks you down… is one of those phrases but with different endings. We decided to play a little bit with the words and wonder how some athletes would end their phrase. The Yoga instructor: When life knocks you down… Roll over and look at the stars The CrossFitter: When life knocks you down… Do a Burpee! The Boxer: When life knocks you down… Calmly get back up, smile and very politely say “You hit like a bitch!” The Pilates instructor: When life knocks you down… Try to land on your back. Because if you can…