• Fitness and Exercise,  Latest news

    Buddy workout (3)

    Today we will pop up our workout and do something new. Starting by warming up with 20 jumping jacks. Face your buddy and while he is trying to finish his jumping jacks you make some funny faces and tell some jokes. Your partner is not allowed to laugh, if your buddy starts to laugh he has to start over from 1. When your buddy has finish his 20 jumping jacks you switch places. Exercise 1 Buddy A has to stay in plank positions while his buddy finishes 12 push ups. Switch positions and repeat twice, each partner does 2 x plank and 2 time push ups. Exercise 2 Buddy A has…

  • Fitness and Exercise,  Latest news

    Buddy Workout

    Last Saturday we did 3 types of buddy workout and today we will do another 3 workouts. Today´s workout, 3 circles of 12 Forward–Backward Lunge Stand facing each other about one foot apart, Partner A holding a small ball or an apple at his/her chest. Partner A steps forward with right foot, as B simultaneously steps backward with left foot. At the bottom of the lunge, A passes the item he/she is holding to B before both push off and return to start position. Repeat. 15 Sit ups High five Partners lie face up with knees bent and their feet flat on the floor with ankles overlapping. Contract your abs to…