• Latest news,  Life

    Are you seeking for career success in 2017?

    Most people dream about their career success, but only few live up to their own dream of success. Are you ready to stop being a dreamer and become a doer in 2017? Here are some tips to keep in mind. Get out of your own way Don´t let your own thinking get in your way from acting, trust your gut. Put past failures behind you Learn from your past mistakes and then put them behind you. Behind every success story are several failure stories. Show consistency If your audience/customers/boss know that they can count on you, they will be more inclined to tell others about their positive experience from you. Be true…

  • Latest news,  Life

    How to succeed?

    We all have dreams of success but how can we do it? No one is born successful. We all need to work for success. But how do we succeed? Have a vision. Your vision is your idealized picture of your future. Set goals towards your vision. Remember to have your goals achievable and S.M.A.R.T., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Do not fear failure. We all fail sometimes in life. Learn from your failure. They are just one step on your path to success. Believe in yourself. If you won’t nobody will. Give yourself credit for what you already have accomplished and use it to light your own fire. Commit…

  • Fitness and Exercise,  Latest news

    What puts you on the top?

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most successful bodybuilders in the world and later successful actor and politician. In this YouTube video talks the master of bodybuilding about the importance of mental aspects to succeed. Take the next nine minutes to listen to the master of bodybuilding on how to reach your goals.