• Inspiration,  Latest news

    Get “RichFluenced”

    One of my favorite LinkedIn influencer to follow is Sir Richard Branson. This golden hair founder of Virgin Group is  not just a successful businessman and investor but also a visionary who believes in turning ideas into reality. A true entrepreneur. His posts and quotes inspires others. His positive influence on people helps them to believe in themselves and their ideas.  Some people simply just make the world a better place. Take a look at Richard Branson LinkedIn page and get “RichFluenced”                       Images virgin.com

  • Latest news,  Smiley

    It´s Gym Time

    I forgot to post on Facebook I was going to the gym. Now this whole workout was a waste of time. Redbull doesn’t give you wings. Lat pull downs do. What do you do for exercise? I lift weights. What do you do for cardio? I lift weights faster. My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and crunch. It´s called lunch! You have to stay in shape. My mother started walking five miles a say when she was 60. She´s 97 now and we have no idea where she is….. I know what Victoria´s Secret is. The secret is that nobody older than 30 can fit into their…

  • Latest news,  Life

    How to cope with stress

    Do you feel that everything is too much, are you overloaded and do you wonder whether you can cope with all the pressure placed up on you? It may seem that there´s nothing you can do about stress. But you can. Give your self a minute or two and take a deep breath. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts and emotions. Stress is a normal physical response to what makes you feel threatened. It is called fight, flight or freeze reactions and is your body´s way to protect you. Stress can keep you on your toes and help you to meet challenges. But when the stress…

  • Latest news,  Life

    Five things to Never say to a Single Lady

    Sometimes well meaning advice can come across as a rude comments to your singles friends. Here are some examples. You´re not trying hard enough. What! I´m not trying at all. I´m single by choice, not by fate. You´re too picky. Really! Have you ever seen me shoe shopping! Get back out there. Hell no! I´m enjoying my single life. I wish I hand more free time, like you. Seriously, dating is hard work! Just don´t turn into some crazy cat lady. Don´t worry, I´m a dog person…. #%&$##!!!

  • Latest news,  Smiley

    Get Ready to Laugh!

    What goes up slowly and comes down quickly? An elephant in a lift. Why did the man throw the butter out the window? Because he wanted to see butterfly. What happened to the cat that swallowed a ball of wool? She had mittens. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Where do cows go with their friends? The moooovies! What do you call a fly without wings? A walk.

  • Fitness and Exercise,  Latest news

    The 10 Exercise Commandments

    1. Fuel your body before workout. Your body needs energy to exercise. Your muscles rely on carbohydrate foods like corns, fruits and vegetables for quick energy. Eat some Carbs 30-45 minutes before workout. 2. Warm up, Always. You need to warm up your body to perform your best every time. A good warm up reduces aches and risk of injury. 3. Breath! Your body needs oxygen to perform properly. Smooth and efficient breathing is crucial for delivering the oxygen around your body. Good breathing can help you to exercise longer and harder. 4. Keep your Tempo. It is important to keep even rhythm of a repetition for a given exercise.…

  • Food and Recipes,  Latest news

    Gluten free Cranberry Waffels

    Nothing says Good Morning like a stack of waffles. This waffle recipe is one of my favorite. Gluten sensitive or not  you are gonna love them. Why Gluten free? Well, many people are gluten sensitivity and it is believed that one in a hundred have the Celiac disease. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale. If you are having some digestive problems perhaps you should eat gluten  free for some time and see if your digestive system will get better.  Remember to listen to your body and of cause your doctor. These waffles are crispy on the outside and a bit fluffy on the inside. Best…

  • Fitness and Exercise,  Latest news

    Why does exercise matter?

    Over the decades researches have shown that the positive effects of exercising can be substantial.  Effects like improved heart and lungs function, flexibility and balance for example. It also reduces risk of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and more. Our bodies were meant to move. We had to use our bodies for hunting and running from predators and so on. A strong, flexible and fast body was necessary to survive early on. Today we are not using our body like our ancestors used to do. In fact most of us are sitting on our buttock 8 hours a day 5 days a week. What happens when we don´t use…

  • Beauty and Style,  Latest news

    10 Beauty Commandments

    10 Beauty Commandments I Shall Drink Water daily I Shall Eat Clean (not processed food) 6 days a week I Shall Exercise regularly I Shall wash my makeup off before I go to sleep I Shall get a good night sleep I Shall keep my skin moisturized I Shall use sunscreen when leaving the house I Shall start everyday by meditate for 10 minutes I Shall be grateful for what I have in my life I Shall shine like a diamond from within

  • Inspiration,  Latest news

    When life knocks you down….

    Some phrases or part of them tend to get popular on the internet. When life knocks you down… is one of those phrases but with different endings. We decided to play a little bit with the words and wonder how some athletes would end their phrase. The Yoga instructor: When life knocks you down… Roll over and look at the stars The CrossFitter: When life knocks you down… Do a Burpee! The Boxer: When life knocks you down… Calmly get back up, smile and very politely say “You hit like a bitch!” The Pilates instructor: When life knocks you down… Try to land on your back. Because if you can…